27 March 2023

Recently, on a beautiful winter’s day, Jerzy Sieroń was walking in our nearby Silesian forest and recorded this action… In fact, it is a combination of the real world and 3D animation. What do you think, do the Vikings fit our climate?

Thanks to the Filharmonia Śląska and Katowickie Inwestycje S. A. we had the opportunity to take part in an extraordinary event a concert that took place in Katowice within #GameMusicFest. A large amount of the audience gathered in Spodek had the opportunity to see the intro prepared by our studio especially for this event.

Music & SFX by Paweł Błaszczak

More collaborations and a fantastic year ahead of us. Meantime, we invite you to watch the last version of our showreel!

Click this link: SHOWREEL 2022

It’s been a while since the first version but after many many years finally, we can share with You our totally new website. I hope You will find everything you need. On this occasion, we created totally new and fresh jingle with our fusion we gonna use it. How do you like it?